Saturday, June 21, 2008

Energy Mobility

Energy has to be moved for most uses. Early locomotives first hauled around wood, and then coal, to power trains.

A fixed source of energy, such as a nuclear power plant, moves the energy it produces along transmission lines to largely fixed users.

The challenge of the 21st Century will be to replace liquid fuels with the more complex process of utilizing fixed energy sources to move vehicles.

This could be advanced by a massive investment in electrifying railways and building nuclear power plants. But this cannot happen under our current form of government. So we, and those responsible for our predicament, will have to pay the consequences as the price of liquid fuels continues to rise.

It is entirely possible that the current system will break down faster than our ability to repair it. I believe that some good comes out of everything. As to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

1 comment:

Rivrdog said...

Without the railroads and trucks to carry the goods, this nation heads back to provincialism. That in itself might be a good thing, because provincial centers with solid culture will succeed, and the provinces which contain a high percentage of non-producers will fail and be removed from influence in our society.

Our form of government will also fail, since without a national transportation web binding us together, the panderers have nothing to sell us in the way of promises, so the panderer's influence in politics goes away.

Individual effort will replace collective effort in all things social and political, and collective efforts will be reserved for manpower pools to produce food by hand farming.

This country will unburden itself of the social thinking of the past 50 years, and that will be zero loss to any of us.

The times will be hard, but the strong will survive, and the morality of the strong will survive with them.

I look forward to the End Times, which could begin almost any time with the failure of the banking system, as you should know.